Thursday, July 2, 2009

all night

july 2nd
hey last night i stayed up all night until the sun rose (although i couldn't see it because it was cloudy). But i was not doing anything crazy. I had my friend Alex over who I hadn't seen since christmas break. Alex has been my friend since kindergarten, but we haven't hung out a lot like regularly since around third grade. But everytime we hang out, we can just talk forever. So last night she came over and we just sat at my kitchen table for about 8 hours talking. it was weird. then she went home around 6 or 630 and then i went to sleep and slept till around 330. i don't know what we talked about. This afternoon i even remember a story that i forgot to tell her about my mother talking about her pot stashes. My cat has a hurt leg. I should have brought her to the vet when i was home, but they were closed by the time i woke up and now i'm gone again. I guess if she's not better when my parents get home they can bring her.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Dear everyone,
This is my blog. i may never say anything more, but i think you need at least one post to have a blog. and i want a blog. so here.